Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Eat the Cheesecake

Hello! Yesterday quite a lot happened. It was my birthday, and I had my oncology appointment to find out my test results and chemo plan. When my name popped up on the doctor's screen, it had a little digital cake by it and a note that said, "Jennifer is 45 today!". So cute! But also....kind of weird. 

At any rate, my oncotype test came back, and the purpose of it was to measure the chance of recurrence happening if I did no chemo or radiation and only took Tamoxifen pills for the next 10 years. If I had scored between 1-18, I would be at low risk for the cancer returning if I did no chemo. If I had scored between 18-36, I would be at medium risk for it returning with no chemo. The short and the long is that my score was a whopping 55. High risk for the cancer returning if I did nothing. Yikes! So, the test solidified the fact for me that I need chemo and radiation for sure.

How do I feel about this? I was shocked that the score was so high, but after sleeping on it, I realized that this is my chance to get all the treatment I can as a preventative measure. Chemo will last 5 months for me + radiation after. I can only hope that I get through this one bad year and come out on the other side feeling like I did everything I could, so I have no regrets. My care team nurse also talked me off the high-score-ledge by saying, "Remember, if the cancer had been solidly in the lymph nodes, we wouldn't even have done this test because you would have been at a higher risk for recurrence anyway, so don't take the score as a measure that your cancer is worse than it was." True. True. But do you ever hear someone say something true and optimistic, and your brain dismisses them and worries anyway? That was me last night, and I was armed with a computer researching as much as I could.  This morning, I'm more myself and called my nurse with a few directives:

#1 - Set me up with a wig appointment. I am not going to try the cooling cap to save my hair. I could do it, but it would cost between $1000-2000 that insurance doesn't cover, and it's a lot of work for hair that is already quite a bit of maintenance anyway. One thing I don't want to worry about is trying to save every strand. I know it's going to be awful to lose it, but it will grow back. I would rather save on the stress and money for 5 months and do hair extensions later....maybe in time for my brother's wedding next September! I am looking forward to that! In the meantime, what about this wig option from Amazon for a cool $24.99? I think I am ready to be Wonder Woman!

#2 - Put me on the clinical trial; the research looks good. Yes, it means more chemo, but I need to do everything I can.

So, with the results and plan on the table, I am ready to get my port put in this week and begin chemo next still to be determined.

With all of this going on, I still managed to have a good birthday. Sam's soccer team won their game 9-1, the boys pampered me at home, and my awesome neighbors had a birthday surprise for me: a homemade cheesecake! What they didn't know is that when I was first diagnosed and worried about eating right and doing everything I could to keep cancer at bay, my radiologist said: "You have to live your life. If you want a piece of cheesecake, eat the cheesecake." So yesterday, that's what I did. It was wonderful.

Love and light,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reading all this breaks my heart. But in the same write so good and with humor and a few times I have to smile. 
    Think of you always and pray. Wish that I easily could visit you.
    Love from Johanna

    And happy birthday ⚘

  3. Hello Jennifer
    You don't know me but I'm an author at liturgical press and wrote a book partly about my own journey with breast cancer in 2000. The book came out in 2008.
    Hans can tell you more.
    But I got this info from someone I work with at the retreat center in prior Lake.
    I'll keep you in my prayers as you go through the jungle.
    I've done it twice and came through great both times. So have hope!
    I agree about the hair thing. You might find it a joy to not have to deal with your hair. And wigs are cheap and decent thru the American cancer society website.
    Also, yes, by all means eat what you like. Something like a good cheesecake can bring you joy!
    Kathy Berken

  4. Thank you all so much! I love hearing from people who read the blog. I never know who it might be!

  5. Hans ChristoffersenOctober 5, 2018 at 6:54 AM

    Thank you, Kathy. I will get Jen a copy of your book.

    Hope you are well.


    1. Wonderful of you to do that, Hans.I am doing very well, thanks.

  6. I love your attitude going into this Jennifer. Your ability to find value, lessons, and beauty in all kinds of experiences will serve you well! Keep up the meditation and use deep breathing to get through the worries :)


The Last Month of Chemo - Hurray!

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