Hello everyone! I'm sure you're dying to know how wig hunting went on Thursday, so here's the scoop! First off, as Halloween gets closer, it seems that there are wigs everywhere, and now that I'm in the market, my brain automatically considers every. single. one. They might be pink, They might be mullet-y in nature. They might even remind me of my awesome 80s hair in which bangs + a full can of Aquanet = a full-on physics experiment. No matter what size or color they are, my mind immediately wonders:
Now, how would that one look on me?
Most of the time, the answer is:
Bad. Very, very, bad. However, this past Thursday, it was fun to go for a wig fitting and be waited on by a wig professional at the Coborn Cancer Healing Center, which is a door away from where I go for all my other appointments. It is a brand new facility and very zen and very lovely. What is also wonderful is the fact that the Cancer Center was ready to give me one free wig. All I had to do was show up and be ready to pick the best one. The pressure was on! I had quite a few people offer to go with me, but in the end, I decided to take Hans, of course, and the person who is the
most opinionated about my new hair: Luke. Before we left, he had already decided that I would look good in a blond wig and that I should use this time to "try it out" and "do something different." So here I am doing just that...
The verdict? He immediately hated it, and I had to concur. Let's just say that the palette stayed in the dark browns after that. I tried longish brown hair...
Curly hair with bangs...
Short and sassy hair - one of my favorites!
But, in the end, the one we all liked the most, was the one that reminded them most of me:
Can you even tell it's not my hair? Crazy, right? I thought I might want to step out and try something really different, but in the end, it felt so comforting to find one that looked blessedly normal. Still, I was torn between this one and the longer brown wig, so to break the tie, I asked the lady helping me: "Do these wigs happen to have names?"
And, what do you know? They do! Wigs DO have names. Go figure.
The longer brown wig is named
Ashlee, and this shorter brown wig that I ended up getting is named
Once I heard the names, I knew I had to get the one named
Heather because before I was born, my mom and dad had three girl names picked out for me: April, Jennifer, and...Heather. As odd as it may sound, this whole cancer process feels like a rebirth, and so, getting a wig named Heather just seemed to fit. I hope you think so too!
Love and light,
You look great! I love that Luke went with, and had you try on several. I appreciated all the pics😁.